
Knee arthroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure which can be used to treat a number of different knee problems/pathologies. It involves using a small camera to look inside your knee joint and is usually performed as a day procedure. Patients often report excellent symptom relief after this procedure allowing them to return to their usual activities. 


Knee arthroscopy can be used to treat problems involving the meniscus, cartilage, soft tissues and loose material within the knee. Patients often report/complain of mechanical symptoms such as clicking, catching or locking within the knee which is usually a sign that something has been torn or damaged. Depending on the duration/time frame and the extent of your injury Dr Bartlett may recommend a knee arthroscopy as a means of successfully treating your problem.


Dr Bartlett will ask you questions about your knee and any problems that you may be experiencing before examining your knee to help identify the cause of your symptoms. In most instances an MRI will also be performed to help confirm the diagnosis and plan for any surgical procedures.

Surgical Detail

The procedure is performed under general anaesthetic and is performed through a small number of “key-hole” sized incision around the knee depending on the pathology. Using precise surgical instruments Dr Bartlett is able to treat a wide range of knee pathologies which may involve trimming or repair of a damaged structure.


After the operation/procedure your knee will be bandaged to allow wound healing. In most cases you will be able to leave hospital on the same day as surgery. In some instances, you may be discharged with crutches to help protect any surgical repair. Dr Bartlett will review your knee within 2 weeks and assess your treatment response.

Key Points

  • Day procedure

  • Minimally invasive

  • Symptom relief – return to activities